8 Proven Ways to Attract and Retain Top-Talent

Becoming a Leader of Leaders

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When undertaking a project bigger than ourselves, we simply have to work with other people. There is only so much reach, so many hours, and so much energy one person can bring to bear in a given area. We will always need the help of others to achieve big things. Therefore, picking your team is […]

No One Likes to Be Called Envious

It takes courage to ask what's really driving us.


Understanding what’s behind our ambition is a critical pursuit for driven personalities.   In There Will be Blood Daniel Day Lewis portrays a ruthless oil man named Daniel Plainview.  In one scene, he has a heartfelt conversation with a man pretending to be his long lost brother.  The conversation gets real. Daniel Plainview: Are you an angry man, Henry?” Henry Brands: About […]

3 Compelling Reasons to Look to the Past

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I’ve noticed many high-achievers don’t spend much time thinking about the past.  I was recently catching up with a a senior public-service leader who has been a mentor to me over the years. We kicked around this idea of ambitious people being forward-focused.   “Yeah, we just rip the rear-view mirror right off”, he quipped.  That […]

Ambition: Leading with Gratitude is go for launch!

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  My new book, Ambition: Leading with Gratitude, is set for release November 15th.  After selling a business earlier this year, I committed to writing a book to explore the underlying reasons high-achievers struggle to find contentment and satisfaction. It was truly a labor of love and I enjoyed the process of refining  these important ideas. I’m super excited to announce […]

Starting a New Career?


My daughter just graduated from college with a business degree.  As a serial entrepreneur, and the son of an entrepreneur, it’s been an interesting challenge to help her think through “career choices” as she launches into this ever-changing work world. Before I talk about how to pick a career, we need to acknowledge that “career” […]

Growth: What’s Soul Got to do with it?


Alexander Solzhenitsn was sentenced to a Soviet gulag (labor camp) for eight years after being accused of producing  anti-Soviet propaganda in private letters critical of Stalin’s war.  He entered prison an atheist and emerged a man of faith.  Looking back he said, “I bless you prison – I bless you for being in my life – […]

Build Your Strengths Rather Than Patch Your Weaknesses


Being really good at something can be a blessing and a curse.  A blessing when whatever you’re good at is truly valuable to your business, but a curse if you rely too heavily on that talent. Many entrepreneurs fall into the frustrated founder role because; (a) they don’t identify what they are naturally good at […]

Growth makes our battles worth the price

What idea or feeling comes to mind when you hear the word growth?  Do you sense a twinge of anxiety because you know growth requires change? Or are you energized? In my years as an entrepreneur and leader I have observed that healthy people and organizations are generally growing.  Admittedly, growth may have developed a […]